About Me

My name is Georg Hohmann. I am an art historian, information scientists and cultural computer scientists, was working several years at the Department of Cultural Computer Science at the Germanische Nationalmuseum (GNM) and currently working at the Deutsches Museum in Munich.
After my master's degree at the Heinrich-Heine-University Dusseldorf I worked at prometheus - the digital image archive for research and teaching as a coordinator for all the tasks of the Art History Institute of the University of Cologne in the project's network. This included coordinating the digitization of slides by student assistants, building an image database and the organization of meetings and conferences. As a side job I am working on smaller projects in web development and software design. My traineeship at the GNM was finally the entry into the world of museums.
I am a founding member of the supporting association of the prometheus image archive and was a member of the Computers and the History of Art society. As part of my membership in the International Council of Museums (ICOM) I am involved in the International Committee for Documentation (CIDOC). As Co-Chair of the Working Group Transdisciplinary Approaches in Documentation (TRAID), I have co-organized several workshops at international conferences. Furthermore, I am a member of the CIDOC CRM Special Interest Group and actively involved in the development of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM). As a representative of the GNM at Europeana project's workshops, I had the opportunity to be involved in the discussion of data schemas and models. At the Deutsches Museum I am responsible for the project "Deutsches Museum Digital".
The focus of my research is on the methods of knowledge representation and reasoning in the humanities. The application of Semantic Web technologies and ontologies play an important role. My recent talks and publications deal with the enforcement and application of the CIDOC CRM for knowledge representation. To test the described methods and approaches in practice, I am involved in various projects.