Current projects

MuseumID is a recommendation for the creation and use of identifiers for museum objects. The website also provides the prototypical implementation of a generator and resolver for MuseumIDs.

»Erlangen CRM / OWL«
The Erlangen CRM / OWL (ECRM) is an implementation of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM) in the Web Ontology Language (OWL). It is currently the only actively maintained implementation of this kind and allows to use CRM within the Semantic Web.

The research project "Scientific communication infrastructure" (dt. Wissenschaftliche Kommunikationsinfrastruktur, WissKI) developes a web-based system for scientific documentation and communication which is based entirely on Semantic Web technologies.

»Digital Library GNM«
Design and initial implementation of the Digital Library of the Germanische Nationalmuseum, including a METS / MODS export interface.

»Collection Database GNM«
Draft and implementation of the online access to the collection database of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum.
Other Projects
»Introduction of a database system«
Coordination and staff training for the introduction of for the archival management system "Faust" in the Deutschen Kunstarchiv.
»Scientific Wiki«
Installation, expansion and coordination of a wiki-based working environment for the research project "The early Dürer" at the Germanische Nationalmuseum.
»Online-exhibition RBA«
The online-exhibition "Baroque-Renaissance-Enlightenment" provides access to the highlights of the Germanische Nationalmuseum. The data and images are retrieved directly from the in-house database systems and prepared for the web.
»Image Management System«
Design and programming of the "Image Management System (IMS), a system for the management of large image collections in the Germanische Nationalmuseum.
»Online Inventory GNM«
Design and implementation of an online inventory of the Germanische Nationalmuseum, which links the data of the in-house inventory system with the images of the image management system.
»Persisten Identifier Resolver«
Implementation of a resolver for persistent identifiers of museum objects, which delivers data in multiple formats and ais ligned to the requirements of the Linked Data cloud.
»Nürnberger Hausbücher«
Implementation and media management in the DFG-funded project to digitize and document the "Hausbücher der Mendelschen und Landauerschen Zwölfbrüderhausstiftungen".
»Automatic Annotation«
Assisting in the design of a project about implementing automatic annotation in the digital image archive "prometheus" to homogenization of metadata and creation of authority files.
»Data Migration«
Migration of a data set of 60,000 documents from a HiDA/MIDAS database to the document management system of the Germanische Nationalmuseum, using XML technologies.
»Media Management«
Implementation of an image database with distributed access based on "Faust" which is used for the media management at the Department of Art History at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf.
»Notebook library«
Planning and technical management of the project "Notebook library. Digital and analog media in academic libraries" at the Art History Institute of the University of Cologne.
»Image Database«
Planning and building a image database with web access based on Filemaker and DaDa at the Art History Institute of the University of Cologne as part of the project "Prometheus - The digital image archive for research & teaching".